

Developed and patented in Finland, the X°CRYO™ ultra-cold therapy device is designed to be used for topical ultra-cold treatments of the skin, joints and muscles around the body. X°CRYO™ can potentially increase comfort and support for various treatment situations such as knees, ankles, wrists and elbows.The recommended duration of treatment is only 1-3 minutes. No wonder, then, that X°CRYO™ is Finland’s most popular ultra-cold therapy device. Top cryotherapy can also be done on the face with a cryofacial mask designed for the purpose.

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SKU: CT0004


Purpose and operation

The electrically operated X°CRYO™ treatment device works without liquid gases. Its operation is based on the high flow rate and volume of the cooled air, allowing the surface tissue of the skin to be cooled quickly. A so-called thermoshock is safely applied to the treated area without the risk of frostbite or other side effects. The speed of the air flow can be adjusted according to the preferences of the patient.

Effects on performance:

Supports muscle recovery

Can help reduce the amount of lactic acid after training

Supports the treatment of sports injuries and back, neck and shoulder pain

To help in the treatment of sprains and other soft tissue injuries

Effects on health:

Supports recovery from injuries and surgeries

May relieve chronic pain and arthritis

Possibly reduces swelling and fluid retention

May relieve stress

Can help with headaches and migraines

As a support in pain management during and after laser and IPL treatments

Effects in beauty care:

  • Supports blood circulation

  • May help reduce swelling

  • Possibly relieves superficial inflammation of the skin

  • May help remove toxins from the surface of the skin

  • Can stimulate collagen production

  • Supports the possible healing of acne

  • May reduce redness (couperosaiho)

  • Promotes skin elasticity and may even out cellulite

  • Relaxes facial muscles (biting muscles)


    Several interchangeable treatment heads are available for the X°CRYO™ treatment device. With these, the benefits of the treatment can be maximized for exactly the desired area of ​​the body. With the X°CRYO™ top-of-the-line cold device, treatment is easy, safe and fast.

    Nursing cups

    Suitable for treating different body parts. Size M as standard. Available in S and L size.

    Nursing straws

    Suitable for e.g. treating small joint areas and skin. Two sizes as standard.

    Face mask

    Suitable for facial skin care.

    Sleeve applicator

    Designed for simultaneous cold treatment of the hands, in addition to which the sleeve applicator is suitable for the treatment of elbows and knees, for example.

    Foot applicator

    Designed for ankle and Achilles tendon treatment. The soles of the feet can benefit from a precisely targeted top cold treatment.

    Massage ball

    The cryomassage ball is an excellent tool for physiotherapists and massage therapists. The steel ball used for massage is kept cold by the ultra-cold airflow flowing through the treatment ball.


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